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regardless of the property you are searching for, the numbers you need or the calculations required, our proprietary worksheets ensure
we are the answer
When you find a home we can calculate the cash you will need including:
so you know what you need before you need it
we can also calculate monthly costs including:
so you know what to expect before it happens
we also create a simple "self check" you can compare your income & existing debt commitments so you can see what loan options may be available to you
if you know what you can afford monthly, we can calculate the price of the home to shop for including including estimates for:
ensuring your find your dream is never a nightmare
we also calculate how much cash you will need including:
so you know all requirements before they are required
we also create a simple "self check" you can compare your income & existing debt commitments so you can see what loan options may be available to you
if you are shopping for properties to renovate & sell, our methods ensure before you swing a hammer, you know everything
before you walk inside a potential investment you already know the potential return
if you are shopping for a rental property, capitalization rates are the best way to confirm your investment is sound
we calculate everything you need to know including:
we also calculate debt service requirements so you can see all the important numbers for current & pro forma including:
knowing all the math is crucial to generational wealth
to properly value your home, we need you
establishing a value for your home is a process we conduct together
you decide a price accurately & easily
because we know all the math
we begin with a seller's report, giving an automated home value based on computer algorithms as reference because those automated numbers are what buyers see online
we also gain access to current data, specific to your location, on
combined together, we review market trends in your specific neighborhood to begin developing a value for your home
together, we compare recent sales
we then scan active competition together
the "Decided Listing Price" is blank
we don't decide what your home is worth, you do
based on the listing price you decided, before your home ever hits the market you know all the numbers are accounted for
before you go on market, you have an accurate estimate of how much cash to expect in your pocket
Copyright © 2023 Revolution Property Consulting Group. All Rights Reserved. Revolution Property Consulting Group, 527 Main St, Hamilton, OH 45013, is a licensed real estate brokerage in Ohio. Senior staff of Revolution Property Consulting Group has ownership interest in Revolution Remodeling and Design to ensure satisfaction.
Updated 8/23/24